showing 1 - 50 of 159 gameschevron_leftchevron_right

namepublisher(developer) arrow_downwardyeartagslanguage
Gamma  16-48 Magazine1984 instantdeath lives score space enlabelimageminimize
Pyramania 16-48 Magazine 1984 claiming instantdeath lives magazinecover enlabelimageminimize
Agent Orange A&F Software (Icon Design)1987 dualtone instantdeath lives otherworld rural score zxinterface2 enlabelimageminimize
Chuckie Egg A&F Software1983 birds claiming colorclash instantdeath ladders lives platformer score timelimit ystop100 enlabelimageminimize
Chuckie Egg 2  A&F Software1985 falldamage instantdeath ladders lives platformer score walking enlabelimageminimize
Son of Blagger Alligata1984 instantdeath lives platformer score enlabelimageminimize
Hercules Alpha Omega;The Power House (Quantum Productions)1986 grecoromanmythology heracles instantdeath ladders lives platformer score enlabelimageminimize
1999 Alternative Software1987 instantdeath lives score space enlabelimageminimize
Classic Invaders  Alternative Software1988 fixedshooter instantdeath lives score spaceinvaderslike enlabelimageminimize
Dead or Alive Alternative Software1987 gunslingers instantdeath lives score western enlabelimageminimize
Bongo Anirog1984 anthroprotagonist claiming currahmicrospeech instantdeath ladders lives mouseprotagonist platformer score enlabelimageminimize
Bear Bovver  Artic Computing1983 anthroprotagonist instantdeath ladders lives ursines en, splabelimageminimize
Galaxians Artic Computing1982 fixedshooter galaxianlike instantdeath lives score enlabelimageminimize
Invaders  Artic Computing1982 aliens fixedshooter instantdeath lives score spaceinvaderslike enlabelimageminimize
Mr. Wong's Loopy Laundry Artic Computing1984 claiming instantdeath ladders lives score enlabelimageminimize
Mutant Monty Artic Computing1984 claiming instantdeath lives score timelimit walking enlabelimageminimize
Galaxian Atari1984 colorclash endless fixedshooter galaxianlike instantdeath lives score space enlabelimagesubject
Ms. Pac-Man Atarisoft1984 claiming colorclash femaleprotagonist ghosts instantdeath lives pacman pacmanlike score enlabelimagesubject
Pac-Man Atarisoft (DJL Software)1983 claiming colorclash ghosts instantdeath lives pacman pacmanlike score enlabelimagesubject
Pioneer Atlantis Software1984 caveflying fuel helicopter instantdeath lives rescue score scramblelike enlabelimageminimize
Snoball in Hell Atlantis Software (Mind's Eye)1989 breakoutlike cassette commercial controlconfig hybridgame instantdeath joystick kempstonjoystick keyboard license-proprietary lives score enlabelimageminimize
Classic Axiens  Bubble Bus1988 fixedshooter instantdeath lives score enlabelimageminimize
Fridge Frenzy Bug-Byte;Argus Press1985 claiming instantdeath lives score timelimit enlabelimageminimize
Manic Miner Bug-Byte;Software Projects1983 ♫mountainking cassette claiming colorclash commercial directionalforce-movingsurface disappearingplatforms falldamage harmfultouch instantdeath keyboard license-proprietary lives score timelimit walking willyminer ystop100 enlabelimagesubject
Cybo Run  Calisto Software (Walltone Software)1984 arenashooter instantdeath lives robots score enlabelimageminimize
Gulpman  Campbell Systems1982 claiming instantdeath lives pacmanlike score enlabelimageminimize
Muncher  Cascade Games1983 claiming instantdeath lives pacmanlike enlabelimageminimize
Raiders Cascade Games1983 fixedshooter instantdeath lives enlabelimageminimize
Stomper Cascade Games1983 claiming instantdeath lives pacmanlike enlabelimageminimize
Chuckman CCI;Mastertronic1983 instantdeath score skateboard enlabelimageminimize
Magic Meanies CDS Microsystems1983 claiming digging instantdeath lives mysticprotagonist score enlabelimageminimize
3D Painter CDS Software1983 1life instantdeath score enlabelimageminimize
Balloon Century Publishing1983 instantdeath lives enlabelimagesubject
Zombies Century Publishing1983 cemetery instantdeath magazine zombies enlabelimagesubject
Manic Miner 3: Tales of a Parallel Universe Cheese Freak Software1996 claiming colorclash disappearingplatforms falldamage harmfultouch instantdeath lives timelimit walking willyminer labelimageminimize
Blade Warrior Codemasters1988 colorclash demons ingametitle instantdeath lives lowfantasy monsters nofalldamage score timelimit walking enlabelimageminimize
Super Tank Simulator  Codemasters (Optimus)1989 instantdeath lives score spc-128k-enhanced tank enlabelimageminimize
Kidnap Creative Sparks (Trik)1985 instantdeath lives nofalldamage platformer score enlabelimageminimize
Glug Glug CRL1984 claiming crabs firearms fish instantdeath lives octopus score sharks underwater underwaterdiving enlabelimageminimize
Handy Andy CRL1984 instantdeath lives score enlabelimageminimize
Invasion of the Body Snatchas! Crystal Computing1983 colorclash defenderlike instantdeath lives rescue score scrollingshooter enlabelimagesubject
Saracen Datasoft;U.S. Gold1987 instantdeath keys lives score enlabelimageminimize
Camelot Warriors Dinamic;Ariolasoft;Mastertronic1986 arthurianmyth instantdeath lives medieval nofalldamage walking en, splabelimageminimize
Invaders dk'tronics1983 fixedshooter instantdeath lives noclashdesign spaceinvaderslike enlabelimageminimize
1942 Elite1986 1940s 194x-series 20thcentury aeroplane aircraft-p38-lightning colorclash fighteraircraft instantdeath lives militantprotagonist propellerplane score scrollingshooter worldwar2 enlabelimagesubject
Airwolf Elite1984 aerodyne caveflying helicopter instantdeath lives rescue rotorcraft score subterranean tvseries enlabelimageminimize
Airwolf II Elite1987 aerodyne alieninvasion dualtone helicopter instantdeath lives progressleft rotorcraft score scrollingshooter tvseries enlabelimageminimize
Beyond the Ice Palace Elite1988 colorclash instantdeath ladders lives monsters nofalldamage runandgun score spc-128k-enhanced thrownweapons walking enlabelimageminimize
Bomb Jack  Elite1986 bombjack cassette claiming harmfultouch instantdeath joystick kempstonjoystick keyboard lives monochromaticforeground score superjump enlabelimagesubject
Commando  Elite1985 colorclash firearms grenades instantdeath lives militantprotagonist runandgun score uvl-confusable walking enlabelimageminimize
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